该代码不仅兼容了maskrcnn-benchmark所支持的所有detector模型,且得益于facebookresearch优秀的代码功底,更大大增加了SGG部分的可读性和可操作性(BoxList类的设计简直是人类工程智慧的结晶,崇拜,从早年的faster-rcnn框架过来的我热泪盈眶)。目前我们框架提供的各种baseline模型,有着当之无愧的State-of-The-Art SGCls...
GANprintR: Improved Fakes and Evaluation of the State of the Art in Face Manipulation Detection (2020 TVCG) [Paper] [Code] A Closer Look at Fourier Spectrum Discrepancies for CNN-generated Images Detection (2021 CVPR) [Paper] [Code] MagDR: Mask-guided Detection and Reconstruction for Defending...
Continual Diffusion with STAMINA: STack-And-Mask INcremental Adapters. James Seale Smith, Yen-Chang Hsu, Zsolt Kira, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin. arXiv 2023. [PDF]Create Your World: Lifelong Text-to-Image Diffusion. Gan Sun, Wenqi Liang, Jiahua Dong, Jun Li, Zhengming Ding, Yang Cong. arXiv...
Recent advances in computer vision have shown promising results in image generation. Diffusion probabilistic models have generated realistic images from textual input, as demonstrated by DALL-E 2, Imagen, and Stable Diffusion. However, their use in medic
At each generation step, we sample uniformly at random a fraction α of components η in the graph and replace the values of these components with the MASK symbol. We compute the conditional distribution p(η∣G\η) by passing the partially masked graph through the model, sampling new values...
与回复生成共享网络,但是有个独立的attention mask来做双向的encoding Input Representation 输入表征:token+role+turn(轮次)+position EOU:家在每一个utterance的末尾用于分割 BOU:加在回复的开通,他的最终特征h用于预测下一个词 z:k-way 类别特征,唯独为K*D ...
response = openai.Image.create_edit( image=open("sunlit_lounge.png", "rb"), mask=open(...
In the modified approach, instead of bonding a PDMS shadow mask to a channel sidewall, the PDMS shadow mask was suspended above a Si channel. Two processes of thermal evaporation (instead of one process) were subsequently employed to produce Au sidewall patterns. In these two processes, the ...
We build this on the face image data of CelebAMask-HQ [24], which contains high-resolution facial images with semantic masks of facial attributes. For simplicity, we currently focus on front faces, without decorative accessories (e.g., glasses, face masks). To extract sparse lines from real...
For instance, to predict the masked token of "x1x2 [MASK] x4", only tokens x1, x2 and itself can be used. This is done by using a triangular matrix for the self-attention mask M (as in Equation (2)), where the upper triangular part of the self-attention mask is set to −∞...