For a PReLU layer, when the input values are negative, the layer multiplies each channel of the input by the corresponding channel ofAlpha. Initialize the learnable parameterAlphaas a random vector of size 1-by-1-by-numChannels. With the third dimension specified as sizenumChannels, t...
Deutsch and Gerard (1955) distinguished between two types of social influence, the normative and the informational. While normative social influence is linked to the social pressure to conform to convention, that is, to the expectations of a referent community, informational influence causes group mem...
Nonlinear optical properties of collagen type-I are investigated in thin tissue sections of pig tendon as a research model using a complete polarimetric second-harmonic generation (P-SHG) microscopy technique called double Stokes-Mueller polarimetry (DSM
Warr-Cook-Wall (WCW) Job Satisfaction Scale: The Cronbach’s alpha for the items in the Warr-Cook-Wall Job Satisfaction Scale was 0.885, indicating excellent internal consistency and reliability in assessing job satisfaction within this sample. Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI): The Cronbach’s al...