Generating Signed APK 需要本机代码的项目 此页面仅适用于react-native init使用Create React Native App 制作的或使用此类应用程序弹出的项目。有关弹出的更多信息,请参阅创建React Native App存储库的指南。 Android要求所有应用程序在安装之前都要用证书进行数字签名,因此要通过Google Play商店分发您的Android应用程序...
/Users/admin/Documents/StickersApp/stickersyco/node_modules/react-native-whatsapp-stickers/android/build/intermediates/res/merged/release/values/values.xml:2712: error: resource android:attr/font not found. /Users/admin/Documents/StickersApp/stickersyco/node_modules/react-native-whatsapp-stickers/android...
Refer to react-native-animatable for the different animation types. No undefined buttonStyle Style of the button containing the star. No {} containerStyle Style of the element containing the star rating component. No {} disabled bool Sets the interactivity of...
Refer to react-native-animatable for the different animation types. No undefined buttonStyle Style of the button containing the star. No {} containerStyle Style of the element containing the star rating component. No {} disabled bool Sets the interactivity of...
For the emptyStar, fullStar, halfStar, and iconSet props, please refer to the react-native-vector-icons package for the valid string names for the star icons. When selecting the icon string names, you must remember to remove the font family name before the first hyphen. For example, if ...
Refer to react-native-vector-icons. Also can be a image object, both {} and require('xx/xx/'). No star fullStarColor string Color of a filled star. No black halfStar string or image object The name of the icon to represent an half star. Refer to react-native-...
A React Native component for generating and displaying interactive star ratings - sagar-pathak/react-native-star-rating
import StarRating from 'react-native-star-rating'; class CustomStarExample extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { starCount: 2.5 }; } onStarRatingPress(rating) { this.setState({ starCount: rating }); } render() { return ( <StarRating disabled={false} ...
Refer to react-native-vector-icons. Also can be a image object, both {} and require('xx/xx/'). No star fullStarColor string Color of a filled star. No black halfStar string or image object The name of the icon to represent an half star. Refer to react-native-...
Refer to react-native-vector-icons. Also can be a image object, both {} and require('xx/xx/'). No star fullStarColor string Color of a filled star. No black halfStar string or image object The name of the icon to represent an half star. Refer to react-native-...