the hidden layers are stacked on top of each other, each feeding up to the layer above, and there are skip connections from the inputs to all hidden layers and from all hidden layers to the outputs. The difference is the added input from the character sequence, mediated...
Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks
Paper:《Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks》的翻译和解读,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Generating Text with Recurrent Neural Networks Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are very powerful sequence models that do not enjoy widespread use because it is extremely difficult to train them properl... I Sutskever,J Martens,GE Hinton - International Conference on Machine Learning 被引量: 469发...
The ML model is implemented from "Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks" by Alex Graves ( How to run the web app on your local machine git clone ...
GeneratingLongSequenceswithSparseTransformers RewonChild 1 ScottGray 1 AlecRadford 1 IlyaSutskever 1 Abstract Transformersarepowerfulsequencemodels,but requiretimeandmemorythatgrowsquadrati- callywiththesequencelength.Inthispaperwe introducesparsefactorizationsoftheattention...
Experimental results show that our system outperforms other competitive systems.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69005-6_18Xiaoyuan YiRuoyu LiMaosong SunYi, X.; Li, R.; and Sun, M. 2016. Generating chinese classical poems with rnn encoder-decoder. arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.01537....
E(atom) = W*E*[x_s, x_r, x_o],其中E是预先利用TransE学习了的;再拼接Enc(F)=[Enc(F )s, Enc(F )r, Enc(F )o]; 4.2 Decoder 用RNN,且Enc(F)传入每个状态;vecoter2sequence; 4.3 Modeling the source language 上述模型的一个特殊问题与三元组的嵌入表示有关,它们都必须以这种或那种方式学...
Seq2Seq模型作为一种纯数据驱动的方式,在一些领域(例如机器翻译)已经达到了现有的最好效果。模型现在已经以源序列(sourse sequence)是对话历史,目标序列(target sequence)是机器生成的回答的形式运用在对话生成领域。 与运用于机器翻译的Seq2Seq模型的不同,生成对话回答在本质上来说是具有创造性的,目标是生成长的、...
论文阅读《Crafting Adversarial Input Sequences for Recurrent Neural Networks》 摘要 将序列数据的对抗性样本形式化为优化问题。使用前向导数来适应RNN的特殊性。这包括如何计算循环计算图的前向导数。 将对抗性扰动从模型预处理输入转换到原始输入。 使用RNN进行分类和序列预测来评估我们技术的性能。平均而言,在一篇...