1). When a user submits a question, the AI-Chatbot evaluates whether the query contains cancer-related information in the database. We used a fixed prompt for this study and deliberately set the temperature parameter to a relatively low value of 0.1 (default = 0.7). This decision was ...
Topic specialists and linguists create synonym lists, assign IDs to each synonym list, and create dictionaries for each language to be supported, insuring that terms with similar meaning, across different languages, have the same IDs. Therefore, for example, the category “horse racing” is specifi...
CreateSynonymStatement CreateTableStatement CreateTriggerStatement CreateTypeStatement CreateTypeTableStatement CreateTypeUddtStatement CreateTypeUdtStatement CreateUserStatement CreateViewStatement CreateWorkloadClassifierStatement CreateWorkloadGroupStatement CreateXmlIndexStatement CreateXmlSchemaCollectionStatement Creati...
Keyword group selection and a helper activity regional choice for advertisement are extracted by synonymicon (102). In the database (103) of the server of extracted Key Word And Context advertisement in selection advertisement candidate set. ;The 2012 of copyright KIPO submissionsCHOI, HUN WOOK...
New synonym words were added to enrich the grammar rule dictionary, e.g., the synonym of “have” could be “own”, “possess”, “carry”, “retain” etc. A“word blacklist” was added. This corrects for the situation where a rule-based parser might otherwise be disturbed by certain ...
<Metaclass Name="Synonym::Permission" /> </Metaclass> <Metaclass Name="Dimension" /> <Metaclass Name="Procedure"> <Metaclass Name="Procedure::Permission" /> </Metaclass> <Metaclass Name="DatabasePackage"> <Metaclass Name="DatabasePackage::Permission" /> </Metaclass> <Metaclass Name="Table:...
Expected behavior and actual behavior: We are planning to migrate our Oracle 11.2 database to Oracle 12.2. We are using jooq 3.10.4, ojdbc6 -, java 1.8.0_144. First step we want to do is to switch to ojdbc8 for 12.02 Oracle db...
We further expand the dictionaries by adding the corresponding synonym. The image dictionary is composed by the predefined list of classes of the pre-trained models. The classes are manually classified to none, one or more of the different categories of energy-consuming activities. For instance, ...
If more than one SOURCE, DEST must\nbe a directory.\n-v Verbose\n-s Symlink instead of copy\n-r Synonym for -R\n-n No clobber (don't overwrite DEST)\n-l Hard link instead of copy\n-d Don't dereference symlinks\n-a Same as -dpr\n-P Do not follow symlinks [default...
CreateSynonymStatement CreateTableStatement CreateTriggerStatement CreateTypeStatement CreateTypeTableStatement CreateTypeUddtStatement CreateTypeUdtStatement CreateUserStatement CreateViewStatement CreateWorkloadClassifierStatement CreateWorkloadGroupStatement CreateXmlIndexStatement CreateXmlSchemaCollectionStatement Creation...