However, it would have been easier to integrate in a current simulation environment if the information in the tcl scripts like suppress options, library names and paths, possible items to add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. I would still like to know if such a...
Follow these steps to incorporate the generated ActiveHDL* or Riviera Pro* simulation scripts into a top-level project simulation script. The generated simulation script contains the following template lines. Cut and paste these lines into a new file. For example, #...
The naming convention for generated cosimulation scripts is the same as that for models, except that the file name extension is .m. Limitations for Cosimulation Model Generation When you configure a model for cosimulation model generation, observe the following limitations: Explicitly specify the sam...
To generate the design example for a VHDL-only simulator, run the following script: quartus_sh -t make_sim_design.tcl VHDL This script generates a sim directory containing one subdirectory for each supported simulation tool. Each subdirectory contains the specific scripts to run simul...
As of now, this project is not a "proper" Python package, but only a collection of scripts, which don't need to be installed. Therefore, simply clone the repository: git clone ; cd ggwd
The scripts generate CAD models in Abaqus FEA and can be read into or adapted to directly interface other simulation software. For each hierarchical level, two python codes are provided. The first one requires only Python to be run and defines the basic geometry of the models. The second ...
Currently only works on paired end simulation. Defalt:AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGT GT -d,--dip <arg> If diploid data desired, path to diploid file. (format: chrom pos(0 based) altChar --debug Write debug info to stderr. -e,--error <arg> If simulated read error desired, path ...
Networks trained only on synthetic data often perform poorly on real-world data. Techniques like fine-tuning or domain randomization help improve performance. Domain randomization is the method of varying parameters like scene lighting, scale, pose, color, and texture of objects in a simul...
If the difference between the two signals is greater than 5%, the test fails and the Assertion block stops the simulation. Alternatively, you can evaluate the simulation data after the simulation completes execution. Perform the evaluation with either MATLAB® scripts or third-party tools. Post-...
To skip this useless shape and save only the random shape at the end of the simulation, use "tail", to save the last N+1 lines of the file (as shown in the example above; where N=xsize*ysize*zsize and the +1 is for the trailing blank line delimiter.)...