【求助】genera..先上图吧问题:使用骨骼插件之后点击 Generate Rig 之后就报 RIGIFY ERROR: Bone 'spine.002': Input to rig type must
5回复贴,共1页 <<返回blender吧【新人求助】为什么我的generate rig按了是这样 只看楼主 收藏 回复 C_H_Cavendish 锋芒毕露 3 如题骨骼弄好了但绑定时就只有一个圈是咋回事啊 C_H_Cavendish 锋芒毕露 3 求求了 倚楼观天气 声名远扬 12 帮顶 必神客 默默无闻 1 在骨骼标签里把自定义骨骼...
Rigacar is a free addon for Blender. It is designed to fulfill the following goals: generate a complete rig as quickly as possible (actually few seconds) for standard car models provide tools to automate wheels animation allow efficient animation baking to be able to export animated models into...