// 设置token,调用jsonwebtoken包提供的**sign()**方法,将用户的信息加密成JWT字符串,响应给客户端 token = jwt.sign({ id: results[0].id, }, salt, { expiresIn: 100000 * 60 * 60 * 24 }) req.headers['token'] = token let asd = { code: 0, msg: '登陆成功', token, data: results...
I have a function where I am attempting to generate public and private PEM key strings where I will use the private to generate a signed JWT token and store the public key in a database. The NodeJS version is working in several production apps, but when adding this to one of ...
userSchema.methods.generateAuthToken=asyncfunction() {constuser =thisconsttoken = jwt.sign({_id:user._id.toString()},'thisisnewcourse')returntoken}consttoken =awaitUser.generateAuthToken() When I call the generateAuthToken(), its showing type error. Line 1 is showing error. ...
Run the JWT token generator php -S -t src Generate JWT tokens with publish and subscribe permissions for subjects For example, run the following command to generate a JWT token valid one hour (i.e. 3600 seconds) with the following permissions:the...
Net.Http.Formatting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0 Could not load file or assembly 'vjscor' or one of ...
获取Token(团队级) 获取文件上传地址 上传单个文件 开始文件识别 获取识别结果下载地址 下载识别结果文件 发送点对点消息 发送频道消息 设置频道属性 删除频道属性 游戏内嵌社区 Beta Android Package Summary com.huawei.game.dev.gdp.android.sdk.api.PgsMoment Overview PgsMoment ...
核心技术采用Nacos、Fegin、Ribbon、Zuul、Hystrix、JWT Token、Mybatis、SpringBoot、Seata、Nacos、Sentinel、 RabbitMQ、FastDFS等主要框架和中间件。 希望能努力打造一套从 SaaS基础框架 - 分布式微服务架构 - 持续集成 - 系统监测 的解决方案。本项目旨在实现基础能力,不涉及具体业务。 分支介绍 master 分支为最新...
import{useSofa,OpenAPI}from'sofa-api';import{writeFileSync}from'fs';constopenApi=OpenAPI({schema,info:{title:'Example API',version:'3.0.0',},components:{securitySchemes:{bearerAuth:{type:'http',scheme:'bearer',bearerFormat:'JWT',},},},security:[{bearerAuth:[],},],});app.use('/api...
response was not ok'); } return res.json(); }) .then(data => { // Sign access token with public key accessToken = data.accessToken; const signedAccessToken = knoxTokenLibraryJs.generateSignedAccessTokenJWT("keys.json", accessToken); console.log('signedAccessToken...
Setting them infigmagic.json/.figmagicrcundertokenandurl. This is discouraged since you will display these values in clear text and you probably don't want that. Then: Runfigmagic You should now have a folder with the raw JSON dump (default:/.figmagic) and a folder wit...