Executing T-SQL Scripts from C# Exhange 2010, This CA root Certificate is not trusted because it is not in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store Exit While loop after x minutes_ Expand treeview node programtically in C#... Expanding List<CustomClass> in PropertyGrid Explicit casting...
403 Forbidden Access is denied - Client Certificate 403 forbidden error after publish ASP.NET Core 415 Unsupported Media Type on Ajax Post 500 - Internal server error when deploying a Core web site 502 Bad Gateway / failing on passwordsigninasync call 502.3 Bad Gateway - Web API and MVC on...
(context.RequestAborted); + body.Position = 0; + + // Request client certificate + var cert = await context.Connection.GetClientCertificateAsync(); + + // Disable buffering on future requests if the client doesn't provide a cert + } + await next(context); +}); + + +app.MapGet("...
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure error through SharePoint The remote name could not be resolved:'server name' The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. (rsXmlDataProviderError) The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error T...
Certificate Export Error: Key not valid for use in specified state. Certificate Store C# code works on some computers but not all Certutil -p password with space CHALLENGE: more efficient BitConvert.ToString() (with no dashes) Change a picturebox to a random picture everytime you press a but...
Certificate Export Error: Key not valid for use in specified state. Certificate Store C# code works on some computers but not all Certutil -p password with space CHALLENGE: more efficient BitConvert.ToString() (with no dashes) Change a picturebox to a random picture everytime you press a but...
Certificate Export Error: Key not valid for use in specified state. Certificate Store C# code works on some computers but not all Certutil -p password with space CHALLENGE: more efficient BitConvert.ToString() (with no dashes) Change a picturebox to a random picture everytime you press a but...
port 5xxxx is already in use, unable to connect to web server IIS Express Possible Custom Login Page for Windows Authentication? Possible to run C# method after page load? Post and Delete Methods 401 Unauthorized. Post IFormFile from .Net core MVC to Web API Core Post the Model to the sam...
Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express' Unable to Deploy .NET application Unable to go to the default route Unable to load the service index for source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json. Unable to resolve service for type ... while attempting to activate controller Unable to reso...
Certificate Store C# code works on some computers but not all Certutil -p password with space CHALLENGE: more efficient BitConvert.ToString() (with no dashes) Change a picturebox to a random picture everytime you press a button Change and Reset Active Directory User Password using C# Programming...