I'm trying to find what is the permission for users to be able creating a client id + secret + tenant id. Does someone know what is the specific permission for that? She's getting this error when she clicks on Generate: I tried give this user the permissions: ...
Your Client ID and Secret Key will be displayed on the app details page. Scroll down to Feature section to request additional permissions for your REST API app that apply to your integration, such as: Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments. Vault PayPal and Venmo Native Checkout...
Chris Comstock commented on AMBER-52: --- I wasn't sure where this class should actually live so below is the code for generate random strings which can be used for client ID and secret generate. {code} import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.util.Random; public final class Oauth2U...
Client ID: {using the client_id from the environment variables} Client Secret: {using the client_id from the environment variables} Scope: {rw_ads,r_basicprofile,w_organization_social,w_member_social,rw_organization_admin} Client Authentication: Send client credentials in bodyStep...
Key: AMBER-52 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBER-52 Project: Amber Issue Type: Improvement Components: OAuth 2.0 - Authorization Server Reporter: Chris Comstock Priority: Minor Create functions to generate a new client id and secret. -- This message is automatically generated by ...
Set up an application in Azure AD: To access the Microsoft Graph API, you'll need to register an application in Azure Active Directory (AD) and obtain the necessary credentials (client ID and client secret). This step requires administrative access to Azure ...
IPartnerCredentials GenerateByApplicationCredentials (string clientId, string applicationSecret, string aadApplicationDomain, string aadAuthorityEndpoint, string graphEndpoint, Microsoft.Store.PartnerCenter.RequestContext.IRequestContext requestContext = default); Parame...
endpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{Tenant ID}}/oauth2/v2.0/token client_id: my client id client_secret: my client secret grant_type: https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api/.default This request is successfully generating an Access Token. - Problem: using this generated Access ...
a Reddit API key, a Reddit Client ID, and a Client Secret You can apply for an API by following the instructions in theReddit API documentation. Installation To install the required Python packages, run the following command in your terminal: ...
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