Open the App: Raj launches his mobile banking app on his smartphone, entering his MPIN (e.g., 192304) to access his account. Select Transfer Option: After logging in, he navigates to the ‘Fund Transfer’ section and enters his friend’s bank account details and the amount to be sent....
You should use a payment link when you are communicating with an end-user via digital messaging channels such as social media DMs, Whatsapp, or e-mail and want to collect a custom or customizable amount from them. Using Payment Links is more professional for freelancers than sharing their UPI...
at once sometimes becomes a burden. It can even affect your monthly budget adversely. However, it's also important to keep checking and balance on the amount you are in debt to pay. Often this debt along with the interest increases so much that paying it back seems like an impossible ...
However, and considering the huge amount of requirements statements already available in different specifications and standards, there is not yet a common approach to properly infer requirements patterns. Some initial attempts using machine learning [20] have been done but approaching the problem from ...