不命名的时候,会根据Verilog2005规则,给generate block自动分配编号,分配规则如下: 对于module中未命名的generate block将会被命名为“genblk”,其中n为顺序,从1开始。即第一个未命名的generate block会被命名为:genblk<1>,第二个被命名为genblk<2>。如果这样的命名与显示命名冲突,则在数字前面添加前导零,直到名字...
// To invoke a function within a generate block, // hierarchically call it //. crc_out <= crc_poly.nextCRC16_D8(data_in_d, crc_in_d); end end // Once again the generate-endgenerate keywords are optional // It is the act of using a parameter, CRC_SEL, in the case // statem...
assign sum = a ^ b; assign cout = a & b; endmodule // A top level design that contains N instances of half adder module my_design #(parameter N=4) ( input [N-1:0] a, b, output [N-1:0] sum, cout); // Declare a temporary loop variable to be used during // generation a...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22200666/problems-with-wires-declared-inside-verilog-generate-blocks Within agenerateblock, I have multipleifstatements. When I declare a wire in the first if statement - I can't use it in otherifstatements See the following stripped down example of my module:...
A generate block allows to multiply module instances or perform conditional instantiation of any module. It provides the ability for the design to be built based on Verilog parameters. These statements are particularly convenient when the same operation
Generate statements in Verilog are used to instantiate multiple copies of a module with different parameter values or configurations. This allows for code reuse and simplification of design. To instantiate a module usinggenerate statements, you need to define the module inside a generate block and us...
assigndata_in_d=(done)?8'd0:data_in; always_ff@(posedgeclk)begin if(rst)begin crc_out<= 'd0; end else begin // Generate blocks are always assigned a name. If // you don't name the generate block, it will be // given a default auto generated name. ...
1)generate可以认为一个block。这里面是需要使用logic块语法的,比如assign、always等。而for循环是直接做logic运算的。 2)generate genvar i声明在for循环内部更简洁,不会与其他generate冲突。强烈建议。 3)generate 用于区别不同的规格,instance不同的module。 4)for循环使用logic时,需要注意综合面积与timing。慎重...
loop_generate_construct ::=for ( genvar_initialization ; genvar_expression ; genvar_iteration )generate_block 4.2 Conditional-genertate案例 4.2.1 if-generate案例 以下就是一个conditional-generate的例子,这里的例子是希望于通过a_width和b_width的大小判断来例化CLA乘法器或Wallace乘法器,其中例化时通过"#"进...