Right click the site to be secure, and select Properties. Click the Directory Security tab. Under the Secure Communications section, click Server Certificate. The following Web Server Certificate Wizard will start. Click Next. Select the Create a new certificate option. Click Next. Sele...
For example, the default name of the first matrix placed in a report is Tablix1. The data feeds use these names.To make the data feed easier to work with, you can use the DataElementName property of the data region to provide friendly names. If ...
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Option Explicit Public Function Code128(SourceString As String) Dim Counter As Integer Dim CheckSum As Long Dim mini As Integer Dim dummy As Integer Dim UseTableB As Boolean Dim Code128_Barcode As String If Len(SourceString) > 0 Then For Counter = 1 To Len(SourceString) Select Case Asc(...
Coming over to the Go database/sql package after using ActiveRecord feels extremely repetitive, super long-winded and down-right boring. Being Go veterans we knew the state of ORMs was shaky, and after a quick review we found what our fears confirmed. Most packages out there are code-first...
It's tempting to take the view that any sale is a good sale. You might think your aim is to capture as many customers as possible and span the entire continuum of satisfaction. Revenue is revenue, right? Generally, it's best to focus on the ideal first customer. This user is the one...
You can then view a progress bar next to the selected output preset in theOutput Presetspanel. Once the output generation is complete, aSuccessdialog box is visible at the lower-right corner of the screen. After the output generation is complete, clickin theOutput Presetspanel to view the ou...
CLI tool to generate code from ChatGPT that pretty-prints the output by language Installation cargo install a-gpt # or to enable clipboard functionality: # cargo install a-gpt --features clipboard export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-WEz... # from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys ...
The Code Analyzer message indicator in the top right corner of the MATLAB Editor is green. The analyzer did not detect errors, warnings, or opportunities for improvement in the code. After the function declaration, add the %#codegen directive: function [y,idx,distance] = euclidean(x,cb) %...
Figure C:Tap the share glyph, then Create A QR Code within Chrome on iOS to generate a QR code. Desktop In desktop versions of Chrome on Windows, macOS or Chrome OS devices, right-click or tap with two fingers on a touchpad to display the Create QR Code option. The generated QR code...