Here's the command I used to generate a pie chart: index=name | bucket span=1h _time | stats sum(eval(quantity/12)) as total by _time, user | eval total=round(total) | chart first(total) as total over _time by user limit=10 | stats max(*) as * | transpose 2 | rename ...
Pie - pie charts, donut charts, rose charts, all support 3D extrusion; Radar –As you know a radar chart; Scatter - scatter points, also supports bubbles (just provide the third row of data); Radial - any start and end angles Radial; Enjoy it and let me know if you have any quest...
WPS AI is a powerful AI-powered assistant that can help you with a variety of tasks in Excel, including generating charts. WPS AI uses artificial intelligence to understand your data and automatically generate the most appropriate chart for your needs. This means that you no longer have...
ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegment AreaChart ArrangeSelection ArrangeShapes ArtboardSplit ASerif ASMFile ASPFile ASPGenericHandlerFile ASPRazorFile ASPWebApplication ASPWebSite 組件 AssemblyError AssemblyExcluded AssemblyInfoFile AssemblyWarning 指派 AssignBuild AssignedPart AssignTesterToTest 關聯 AssociationEditor Associat...
Pie chart Column and bar charts Line and area charts Scatter chart Bubble chart Event annotations for charts Chart display issues Single Value Overview Generate a single value Customize a single value Gauges Using gauges Maps Mapping data Generate a choropleth map Configure a...
@coderabbitai gather interesting stats about this repository and render them as a table. Additionally, render a pie chart showing the language distribution in the codebase. @coderabbitai read src/utils.ts and generate unit testing code.
ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegment AreaChart ArrangeSelection ArrangeShapes ArtboardSplit ASerif ASMFile ASPFile ASPGenericHandlerFile AspireApplication ASPRazorFile ASPWebApplication ASPWebSite Assembly AssemblyError AssemblyExcluded AssemblyInfoFile AssemblyWarning Assign AssignBuild AssignedPart AssignTesterToTest Associati...
ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegment AreaChart ArrangeSelection ArrangeShapes ArtboardSplit ASerif ASMFile ASPFile ASPGenericHandlerFile AspireApplication ASPRazorFile ASPWebApplication ASPWebSite Assembly AssemblyError AssemblyExcluded AssemblyInfoFile AssemblyWarning Assign AssignBuild AssignedPart AssignTesterToTest Associ...
ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegment AreaChart ArrangeSelection ArrangeShapes ArtboardSplit ASerif ASMFile ASPFile ASPGenericHandlerFile ASPRazorFile ASPWebApplication ASPWebSite 組件 AssemblyError AssemblyExcluded AssemblyInfoFile AssemblyWarning 指派 AssignBuild AssignedPart AssignTesterToTest 關聯 AssociationEditor Ass...
Generate your own customized graphic organizer! You choose a word for the center, select the number of spokes, and then print your new graphic organizer. Entertheme word or phrase, for the center of the star: Clickto select number of spokes: ...