这篇文章介绍一篇ICCV 2021的工作:Generalized Source-free Domain Adaptation。这篇文章和传统DA的setting关注点有以下一些不同: 模型在source/target domain上都要有不错的表现。 在adaptation的时候,我们只能得到目标域的无标签数据和在源域预训练好的模型,而不能获取源域的训练数据。 我们首先介绍一下本文的setting...
尽管在方法论上存在差异,但后续在OOD检测和OSR方面开展的工作具有拒绝选择分类的基本精神。 域适应/泛化 域适应( Domain Adaptation,DA ) [ 15 ]和领域泛化(Domain Generalization, DG ) [ 91 ]也遵循"开放世界"假设。与广义OD检测设置不同的是,DA / DG期望在没有任何语义偏移的情况下测试过程中存在协变量偏移...
We focus on treelike generalized scale-free polymer networks, whose geometries depend on a parameter,γ, that controls their connectivity and on two modularity parameters: the minimum allowed degree,Kmin, and the maximum allowed degree,Kmax. We monitor the influence of these parameters on the stat...
Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is critical to ensuring the reliability and safety of machine learning systems. For instance, in autonomous driving, we
In Ref. [136], it has been shown that there is a link between the deformation parameterof the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) to the two free parametersandof the running Newtonian coupling constant of the Asymptotic Safe gravity (ASG) program. In order to proceed, we express Eq. (...
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to ...
Extensive experiments prove that UN-SAM with exceptional performance surpasses state-of-the-arts in nuclei instance and semantic segmentation, especially the generalization capability in zero-shot scenarios. The source code is available at this https URL . 展开 年份: 2024 ...
Summary: Employ Bezier Curves to augment single source domain into different styles and split them into source-similar domain and source-dissimilar domain. Code: https://github.com/zzzqzhou/Dual-Normalization Title: Generalizing Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation to Unseen Domains via Deep...
For those who have heard about contraceptive from at least one source in the last 12 month; this respective figure was 23.14%, 24.07%, 16.76%, 22.42% and 13.61%. Similarly, among those who reported that they have obtained their desired method, 24.68% were very unhappy, 23.95% felt sort ...
Fix anyp\in \mathbb {Z}^d. Then, theuppersetp^\uparrow :=\{x\in \mathbb {Z}^d: p\le x\}determines an interval of\mathbb {Z}^d. An\mathbb {Z}^d-moduleFisfreeif there existsp_1, p_2, \cdots , p_nin\mathbb {Z}^dsuch thatF\cong \bigoplus \limits _{i=1}^n V_{...