A semi-infinite optimization model is presented. 本文以人造卫星仪器舱布局问题为背景,建立了一个半无限优化模型。 更多例句>> 3) generalized semi-infinite programming 广义半无限规划 1. A feasible direction algorithm for solving the generalized semi-infinite programming is presented in this paper. 基...
Disjunctive OptimizationLagrange polytopeThe feasible set M in Generalized Semi-Infinite Programming (GSIP) need not be closed. Under the so-called Symmetric Mangasarian-Fromovitz Constraint Qualification (Sym- MFCQ) its closure M—can be described by means of infinitely many inequality constraints of ...
We give an introduction to the derivation of topological and first order properties for generalized semi-infinite optimization problems. We focus our attention on the case of convex lower level problems where the main ideas of the proofs can be illuminat
This paper is concerned with a numerical method for generalized semi-infinite programming problem. We first reformulate the generalized semi-infinite programming problem into an invariable-dimensional KKT system. Then by using perturbed Fischer–Burmeister function, we present a smoothing Levenberg–Marquardt...
is a nonconvex optimization problem and we call it generalized semi-infinite programming problem of the type PQP, because it can be rewritten as a problem in the space X×IR 1 : v→min x∈ X, v ∈ IR 1 , c 0 (x) + 1 2 G 0 z 0 , z 0 + 0 +H 0 x, z 0 −v ...
In this paper,we consider a class of generalized semi-infinite min-max problems of the form minx∈Rnψ(x),where ψ:Rn→R is defined as ψ(x)=supy∈Z(x)(x,y) and Z(x)={y∈Rm|f(x,y)≤0,g(y)≤0}.Let Y={y∈Rm|g(y)≤0},we get ψ(x)=supy∈Y{(x,y)|f(x,y...
6) generalized semi-infinite min-max programming 广义半无限极大极小规划 例句>> 补充资料:中心极限定理 中心极限定理 central limit theorem 概率论中讨论随机变量序列部分和的分布渐近于正态分布的一类定理。概率论中最重要的一类定理,有广泛的实际应用背景。在自然界与生产中,一些现象受到许多相互独立的随机因素的...
The reformulation of generalized semi-infinite prodoi:10.1080/02331934.2015.1127370BartonMITPaulMITI.MITHarwoodMITStuartMITM.MITOptimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations ResearchStuart M. Harwood and Paul I. Barton. Lower level duality and the global solution of gener- alized ...
We describe a new possibility to model disjunctive optimization problems as generalized semi-infinite programs. In contrast to existing methods in disjunctive programming, our approach does not expect any special formulation of the underlying logical expression. Applying existing lower-level reformulations fo...
8.On the Use of Augmented Lagrangians in the Generalized Semi-Infinite Programming;增广拉格朗日函数在广义半无限规划中的应用 9.Some properties and simple application of a generalized kind of generalized matrix functions一种推广的广义矩阵函数的性质及简单应用 10.Shielded Effect in the Generalized Fourier...