Book Review of Generalized Linear Models by P. McCullagh and J.A. NelderGeneralized linear modelsdata modelingiterative least squaresThis book provides an introduction to the topic of generalized linear models, a method of analysis which has enjoyed great success in England, but only recently found...
The Negative-Binomial Model There are several routes to models for counts based on the negative-binomial distribution (see, e.g., Long, 1997, sect. 8.3; McCullagh & Nelder, 1989, sect. 6.2.3). One approach (following McCullagh & Nelder, 1989, p. 233) is to adopt a Poisson model ...
The generalized linear model encompasses many commonly used models, such as logistic regression, Poisson regression, and in fact linear regression. For an introduction to the generalized linear model, see McCullagh and Nelder (1989). In the same way the linear mixed model builds on the ...
Bias correction in generalized linear models - Cordeiro, McCullagh - 1991 () Citation Context ...ance property that the maximum likelihood estimator has. Furthermore, the first-order bias of the maximum likelihood estimator for logistic regressions generally depends on the parameter values (see, =...
Appendix A Supplemental Data Analysis Exercises 391 Appendix B Solution Outlines for Selected Exercises 396 References 410 Author Index 427 Example Index 433 Subject Index 435 Website Data sets for the book are at /~aa/glm/data Preface PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK Why yet another book on linear models...
Abdallah S. A. Yaseen, Ahmed M. Gad, Abeer S. Ahmed. Maximum Likelihood Approach for Longitudinal Models with Nonignorable Missing Data Mechanism Using Fractional Imputation.American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2016; 4(3):59-66. doi: 10.12691/ajams-4-3-1. ...
used.1.IntroductionConsiderageneralized linear model (GLM) wherethecomponentsy»ofy =(yi^··-iVn}'areindependent random variates with corresponding densitiesorprobability massfunctionsfromtheexponential dispersionfamilyparameterizedby(θί,φί).ThisequalsthenotationinMcCullaghandNeider (1989)andimplies...
McCullagh P, Nelder JA (1989) Generalized linear models, 2nd edn. Chapman and Hall, New York Book Google Scholar Nelder JA, Wedderburn RWM (1972) Generalized linear models. J R Stat Soc Ser A 135:370–384 Article Google Scholar Saffari SE, Adnan R (2010) Zero-inflated Poisson regress...
Generalized linear models 2nd editionMcCullagh, PNelder, JANelder, J
6. Generalized Linear Models , 2nd edn. By P. McCullagh and J. A. Nelder. ISBN 0 412 31760 5. Chapman and Hall, London, 1989. 512 pp. £30.00.doi:10.2307/2983054Jim BurridgeP. McCullaghJ. A. NelderJournal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)...