generalized estimating equations 广义估计方程(GeneralizedEstimatingEquations,GEE)是一种用于分析长期或重复测量数据的统计方法。与传统的线性模型不同,GEE是一种非参数方法,它可以处理不同时间点或不同个体之间的相关性,并且可以处理非正态分布的数据。作为一种广泛应用的分析方法,GEE已经在许多领域得到了应用,例如医学...
Chapter 9 is devoted to the descriptions of generalized estimating equations (GEEs). First, I summarize the basic specifications and inferences of the original GEE model, including the construction of the working correlation matrix and the development of the quasi-likelihood information criteria. Some ...
Marginal models: generalized estimating equations (GEE) . In: Applied longitudinal analysis New York, NY : Wiley , 2004 ; 291 – 323 .Fitzmaurice GM, Laird NM, Ware JH (2004). Marginal models: generalized estimating equations (GEE). In: Fitzmaurice GM et al. (ed). Applied Longitudinal ...
一、使用狀況: 廣義估計式(generalized estimating equations, GEE)是由陽明大學校長梁賡義 教授與Scott L. Zeger教授於1986年提出,並於Biometrika及Biometrics陸續發表理論與應用文章,屬於估計方法而非模式方法,用於評估迴歸係數跟標準誤(Standard error)。一般來說,GEE迴歸係數值會跟廣義線性模型(Generalized linear mod...
最近在写论文,关于GEE方法的使用过程中需要参考一篇文献,Generalized Estimating Equations Second Edition,参考文献如下: Hardin, J.W., & Hilbe, J.M. (2013). Generalized Estimating Equations (2nd ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC. 最开始在谷歌学术上搜,结果如下 只有第一版,且无法...
在第4 节中,我们提出了惩罚性高维 GEE 的理论。 在第5 节中,我们报告了蒙特卡洛模拟的数值结果。 第6节将新方法应用于酵母细胞周期基因表达数据集。 第7节提供了一些讨论。 Generalized estimating equations Notation and preliminaries 对于第 i 个被试的第 j 个观测值,我们观测到一个响应变量 Y_{i j} 和一...
Generalized estimating equations: xtgee Order <- See Stata's other features The use of panel-data models has exploded in the past ten years as analysts more often need to analyze richer data structures. Some examples of panel data are nested datasets that contain observations of smaller units ...
Overall JE, Tonidandel S. 2004. Robustness of gener- alized estimating equation (GEE) tests of significance against misspecification of the error structure model. Biometrical J 46:203-213.Overall JE, Tonidandel S. Robustness of generalized estimating equations (GEE) tests of significance against ...
Liang and Zeger formalized an approach to this problem using generalized estimating equations (GEEs) to extend generalized linear models (GLMs) to a regression setting with correlated observations within subjects. In this article, we briefly review GLM, the GEE methodology, introduce some examples, ...
基于GEE,我们将辅助随机向量(2.2)定义为残差向量的线性变换。考虑到辅助随机向量ZiðWi,bÞ是Qin和Lawless(1994)中函数无偏估计方程的特例(r=p),根据Qin和Lawless(1994)中的讨论,不难看出b ¼bþopð1Þ。WEL估计值b与GEE估计值b之间的渐进等价性表明,You等人(2006)首次提出的纵向数据的通用非加权EL...