Cite this: TMS Promising for Generalized Anxiety - Medscape - May 04, 2014.Recommendations Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Increasing Rapidly news ED Visits for Cannabis Use a Harbinger of Anxiety Disorder news Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome a Risk Factor for Suicidal Ideation? 0.25 CME / CE...
Generalized anxiety disorder can appear at any age, but it often begins in adolescence or early adulthood.4GAD isgenerally a long-term condition,and people with this condition tend to experience fluctuations in their level of anxiety over time.5It is believed that around 5-10 percent of the U...
All anxiety disorders have high rates of comorbidity with major depression, bipolar disorder, and alcohol and drug abuse. These disorders may contribute to morbidity and mortality through neuroendocrine and neuroimmune mechanisms or by direct neural stimulation (eg, hypertension or cardiac arrhythmia). Ch...
Tilburg, the Netherlands- Patients with stable CHD plusgeneralized anxiety disorderhave a higher risk of experiencing cardiovascular events—such asstroke, MI, and death—than patients with CHD only, according to a new cohort analysis from theHeart and SoulStudy[1]. In fact, after adjustment for ...
Medscape Pharmacists © 2013 WebMD, LLC Cite this: Can Pregabalin Be Used for Generalized Anxiety Disorder? - Medscape - Jun 04, 2013.Recommendations Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Increasing Rapidly news ED Visits for Cannabis Use a Harbinger of Anxiety Disorder news Is Polycystic Ovar...