2.(Biology)ecologyan organism able to utilize many food sources and therefore able to flourish in many habitats. Comparespecialist3 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
& Henle, K., 1996, `The conservation biology of a specialist and generalist gecko in the fragmented landscape of the Western Australian wheatbelt' in Settele, J., Margules, C. Poschlod, P. & Henle, K. (eds) Species Survival in Fragmented Landscapes, pp. 39-51, Kulwer Academic ...
to dry years (i.e., conditions of resource scarcity), which varied with their trophic status, as generalist species were even more generalized during periods of food shortage, while the specialist species become even more specialized49. Also, penguin species with broader foraging niche has been ...
We next explored whether the specialist, Lb, had evolved alternative strategies for parasitic success through the acquisition of novel genes. The massive expansion of Lar across the genome suggests a particular role for gene duplication associated with the acquisition of novel genes. A small set (...
However, in other studies, the hare behaves as a specialist on grasses consuming more than 60% (Hansen 1996; Katona et al. 2010). According to (Shipley et al. 2009), the hare could be characterized as a facultative generalist as it is able to survive with a restricted diet breadth but...
DISCUSSION Here, we demonstrate that specialist, but not generalist, nectar inhabiting yeasts that rely on flower foraging insects for their dispersal produce attractive scent profiles for a generalist aphid parasitoid without affecting its survival and longevity. FIGURE 3 | Mean nectar in...
PLOSONE | 1 December2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 12 | e50955 SpecialistandGeneralistTraitsinCDVStrains theparticularspeciesthatspecialiststrainswereadaptedto.Thus, specialistandgeneraliststrainsofamulti-hostvirusareexpectedto show trade-offs in their relative fitness in different host environ- ments. minant ...
It is expected that the effects of capsaicin will be different on generalist than specialist herbivores. For instance, larval growth of the generalist herbivoresSpodoptera frugiperda,Heliothis virescensandHelicoverpa zea(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was slower when fed with capsaicin-spiked diet, while the grow...
In the case of the three-species systems the generalist global species has an stabilizing effect, in contrast to the specialist one. However, from studying this small system it is not clear whether the stabilizing effect is due to the larger number of prey species or to the fact that the ...
A. Specialist versus generalist insect herbivores and plant defense. Trends Plant Sci. 17, 293–302 (2012). 26. Elbaz, M. et al. Asymmetric adaptation to indolic and aliphatic glucosinolates in the B and Q sibling species of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Mol. Ecol. 21, 4533–...