Enger, Hans-Olav. 2013. Morphological theory and grammaticalisation: the role of meaning and local generalisations. Language Sciences 36(1). 18-31.a: Morphological theory and grammaticalisation: the role of meaning and local general- isations, in: Language Sciences 36, p. 18-31....
The meaning of the columns in dir_hyperg_sample.txt are:First column: Index of node Second column: Index of hyperedge Third column: Direction information of the connection (1 denotes the direction from node to hyperedge, 2 indicates the direction from hyperedge to node. To represent a ...
In the preceding chapters a special kind of compositional grammar, M-grammar, has been introduced to describe the form and meaning (or more precisely: translational equivalence) of expressions. The basic idea of compositional grammars, e.g. Montague's PTQ (Thomason (1974)), is that they ...
The most common way of analysing the meaning of causal generalisations relies on referentialist semantics. In this article, we instead develop an analysis based on inferentialist semantics. According to this approach, the meaning of a causal generalisation is constituted by the web of inferential ...
the generalisations may not be arbitrary. It is shown that a contracted Weyl lemma must be valid. This lemma 'saves' the duality between the Lorentz covariant and the Einstein covariant representation of the equation of continuity. The meaning of Weyl's lemma and its generalisations is discussed...
This article re-examines the meaning of P. Derv. XIX 1–4, not only arguing against understanding the phrase in the sense of Anaxagorean philosophy (in particular, in the sense of Anaxagoras A 41 DK, which is a periphrasis of Anaxagoras B 12 DK), but also stressing that the semantics ...