Jim Wilson from Jacksonville, AL Nov 28, 2023 20 Took my son's 2014 Corvette to replace front tires at the Chevy dealer and ended up paying over $1,200 for alleged stuff all which seemed to be suspicious. Perfectly working vehicle now has a mysterious engine noise, that they probably...
Eric LeducJacksonville Florida is a great mentor and entrepreneur. He has dedicated most of his free time in mentoring the young athletes and business people. This has helped most of them have a basis of how to improve their business, and the athletes learn how to push themselves to achieve...
Payne v Jacksonville Forwarding Co. (1923, CA5 Fla) 290 F 936, 1923 AMC 524. Shipowner who provides unseaworthy vessel is not relieved of liability because unseaworthiness is attributable to negligence of fellow servant of injured person rather than to shipowner's negligence. Marchese v Moore-...