general-specific-text General-SpecificTexts •Thegeneral-to-specificapproachopensanideawithageneralstatementandthenleadsintodetailsthatsupportandexplainthegeneralstatement.•Thegeneral-to-specificpatternisprobablyoneofthemorecommonpatternsincollegewriting.Itmaybeusedinanyofthesefamiliarplaces:introductiontoapaperback...
An example of a specific purpose statement is: To persuade the banquet attendants to donate to the non-profit organization. This is a particular goal of the speech. How do you write a specific purpose statement? The following is a step-by-step process on how to write a specific purpose ...
Examples: (1)The woolen clothes will___in the wash, so buy a large size when you want them. (2)The elderly patient used a___to help the walk. (3)One morning a neighbor awakened John at six o’clock by cutting down a tree with a___. Exercise 1: 1...
introduction main part conclusion Make your texts interesting. You can achieve this for example by varying the lengths of your sentences. An important statement is best emphasised in a short sentence, especially if that sentence is between two longer sentences. Do also vary the lenghts of your pa...
Example from SSW: By focusing on solutions rather than generic services, we’ve been able to resonate with clients on a deeper level. We listen, understand, and create a customized approach that speaks directly to their specific needs. Further Insights: Solution selling is about empathy and cust...
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In the game, players can use AR to catch pets, and pets need to go through certain training before they can be formally put into combat. AR pet capture requires the use of specific capture tools, capture tools can be divided into multiple levels, support players DIY cultivation, transformatio...
49 Your explanation is too general to understand; you should try to be more(). A.spiritual B.specific C.strict D.stressed 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 14 The general strike is a means of___the total authority of the government. A.informing B.recommending C.challenging ...
Instead, connect the specific discussion of this paragraph to that part of your argument to which it is most closely related. You can, of course, include more than one statement of evidence in a body paragraph (for example, two quotations), but remember that each piece of evidence needs ...
EnglishWritingCourseEnglishWritingCourseUnitUnit11GeneralGeneralandandSpecificSpecific;;AbstractAbstractandandConcreteConcreteWordsWordsI.IntroductionI.Introduction TheThemostmostimportantimportantfeaturefeatureofofgoodgoodwritingwriting WhatWhatisisclarity?clarity? AnAnexampleexampleAnexampleAnexample 11..ItItisisthethebe...