General Occupational/Technical Studies General Ocean Turbulence Model General Odorant-Binding Protein General Odorant-Binding Protein 2 General of brigade General of Marines General of the Air Force General of the Air Force General of the Army General of the Army General of the Army Douglas MacArthur...
Somos el último ejército que queda en el mundo. (We are the last Prussian army remaining in the world.) (Chilean general, qtd. by narrator in chapter two ofActa general de Chile) En realidad había motivos de sobra para temer que la policía tuviera noticia de mi presencia ...
g’day fran,my name is henry.fran i need to ask you some question and i hope you will be able too help me in some way.i was in nam in 1971 to 1972.i was army medic with 1 fd vang tau then i went to the USA army hospital voluntary to help to clean up and pack ...