Twin desired properties value syntax must be proper non-escaped JSON, without arrays or values exceeding 512 characters, and with a maximum four (4) levels of nested hierarchy. Environment variable value must be less than 512 characters. createOptions value must be proper non-escaped JSON, withou...
Any other disclaimer statements Points of Reference—maximum word count: 1,000 Points of Reference are part of a regular series intended to address an emerging or controversial topic of interest to the scientific community at large; providing authors with a venue to express their opinions of a sc...
However, an interesting trend is that for some variables, the healthy groups scored below the desired values and, contrary to expectations, scored worse than the patient groups which means that H1 had to be rejected. This may be due to the fact that the different patient groups may receive ...
desired amount. Intervention could consist of favouring the creation of additional knowledge via data sharing. We show that the framework suggested describes many features of today’s data-intensive economy and provides a tool to assist academic, policy and governance discussions. Our conclusions ...
“A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective. The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse...
Work from home will be a node in the ecosystem and the office another node. Some will chose to go to the office daily. Others will chose to go for specific activities. Design your processes and team for this cadence of interactions and build the conditions to achieve desired outcomes. ...
Often, little is known about the expertise of the other professions. A holistic view is desired, which needs exchange of information, and therapeutic treatment in the care-planning process of nurses is required as well. Some professionals perceive the exchange of information as enriching because it...
the amount uptaken by the user depends on hookah use characteristics that are adjusted depending on nicotine levels in tobacco used in order to deliver desired doses [62]. Similar to cigarette smoking, plasma nicotine levels were found to be increased in hookah users, indicating systematic deliver...
Managing goals is an intentional and often scientific approach that requires an understanding of desired outcomes. Objectives support goals and represent milestones achieved in the execution of a plan.Answer and Explanation: Become a member and unlock all St...
To accomplish these goals, they reviewed systematic reviews when available and supplemented them with comparative studies and with statements and reports from major nongovernmental and governmental organizations. When compared with health outcomes among formula-fed children, the health advantages associated ...