网络通用技术 网络释义 1. 通用技术 作为通用技术(general-purpose technology)历史长河中最新的一项创举,IT和诞生于19、20世纪的电力、晶体管、激光等通 …|基于 1 个网页
requires information technology for the purpose of studies or employment. 計劃的目標是資助機構購置高效能的中文讀屏設備和 點字顯示器,設置於公眾上網點,供視障人士使用,以及 資助有真正經濟困難而在學習或工作上必須使用 資 訊 科技 的個別視障人士。 It is a general-purpose...
GPT也可以说是General Purpose Technology,通用技术,必然大规模影响劳动力市场1. OpenAI 和沃顿商学院的论文《大语言模型对就业市场的影响》。约80%的美国劳动力,至少有10%的工作任务受GPT影响。约19%的工人至少50%的任务受影响。高收入职位更可能用GPT。标题中「GPTs are GPTs」意为,作为大语言模型的GPT 碰巧也...
One of the reasons that question is a bit hard to answer is because AI is a general-purpose technology. Unlike a lot of technologies like a car which is good for transportation or microwave oven good for heating food, AI isn't useful just for one thing. It's useful for a lot of thi...
生成式人工智能(Generative AI, GenAI)作为一种通用技术(General Purpose Technology),正在推动创新从信息通信技术(ICT)领域向更广泛的经济领域扩展。这表明其潜在的经济价值。然而,随着生成式AI和大型语言模型(LLMs)投资的迅速增加,高昂的成本和收益之间的矛盾正成为投资者关注的焦点。
Technologies are defined as general purpose (GPTs) when they can be applied, with low adaptation costs, to different products or industries. This implies that the benefit of an innovation, when general purpose, propagates across markets and industries. GPTs are more likely to be developed by ...
General Technology emerges as a new study area in this China New Curricular Revolution. 通用技术是本次新课改中新出现的学习领域,其教育装备的研究和教育装备标准的研究还处于起步阶段,对通用技术教育装备标准的设计进行研究正是基于通用技术课程发展的迫切需要。 更多例句>> 6) general purpose 通用目的补充...
2)adapted technology变通应用的技术 3)Technological Purpose技术目的 4)general technique通用技术 1.The Problems and Countermeasures of Implementing New Courses of General Technique;通用技术新课程实施中的问题及对策 2.Introducegeneral techniqueof platting control system and some kings of domestic spurting beam...
General-purpose technologies, enabling technologies 1) GPT are pervasive, i.e. in wide use; 2) are capable of ongoing technical improvement; and 3) enable complementary innovations in application se…