//GPIO的初始化函数voidGPIO_DeInit(GPIO_TypeDef*GPIOx);//将外设 GPIOx 寄存器重设为缺省值voidGPIO_AFIODeInit(void);//将复用功能(重映射事件控制和 EXTI 设置)重设为缺省值voidGPIO_Init(GPIO_TypeDef*GPIOx,GPIO_InitTypeDef*GPIO_InitStruct);//处初始化IO端口引脚功能voidGPIO_StructInit(GPIO_InitTypeDef*...
The GPIO (Abbreviation of General-purpose input/out), a kind of input/output interface for general data, communicates with external electrical components or devices, which can be deployed in micro-processor, micro-controller and other embedded systems. See basic diagram as below: I/O pin: The ...
SeeGPIO APIfor more information about the GPIO APIx. SeeMCA General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)for additional information on MCA GPIOs.
GPIO_Mode:AIN——模拟输入、IN_FLOATING——浮空输入、IPD——下拉输入、IPU——上拉输入,Out_OD——开漏输出、Out_PP——推挽输出、AF_OD——复用开漏输出、AF_PP——复用推挽输出; 示例: GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin=GPIO_Pin_0;//选择 Pin0 脚GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_...
Purpose: TV vertical output, audio output driver and general purpose amplifier applications. 用途: 用于电视场输出, 音频放大驱动级及一般放大. 互联网 Moderate resistance and impact resistance , good general purpose uses. 具有较好的耐磨性及抗冲击性,租用性较好. ...
// start by creating SPI2 to initialize the feature on PB2// now transfer...varsettings =newSettings { mode = PortMode.AlternateFunction, speed = OutputSpeed.VeryHigh, driveDirection = PullDirection.None, alternate = AlternateFunction.AF6, type = OutputType.PushPull...
GPIO stands for General Purpose Input Output and refers to the fact that the pins can support both output and input functionalities. Looking physically at any microcontroller you can readily see rows of pins that allow the microcontroller to control and communicate with outside devices. Lets take ...
GPIO (General Purpose IO Port) Each GPIO port has a corresponding control register and configuration register. API can be divided into two categories: one is to operate a pin independently, and the other is to operate one or more pins at the same time. Provide IO input/output status query...
TMS320C6000 DSP General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Reference Guide Literature Number: SPRU584A March 2004 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and ...
The NXP i.MX6 CPU has seven general purpose input/output (GPIO) ports. Each port can generate and control 32 signals. The Dialog PMIC DA9063 has 16 configurable GPIO pins. On theConnectCore 6system-on-module: Many of the i.MX6 GPIOs are available at the system-on-module, multiplexed ...