Google Android and Linux. These are all examples of general-purpose operating systems, which are developed to support a variety of independently developed applications and provide support for a wide range of functions.
PURPOSE:To realize the transfer of a parameter between different jobs without adding previously and specific memory area to an external memory by using a reception means, a store means, a retrieving means, and a transfer means for parameters and key words. CONSTITUTION:A reception means receives ...
operating system (redirected fromGeneral-purpose operating system) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia operating system n. Software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it. ...
Design Rationale for Psyche a General-Purpose Multiprocessor Operating System The Psyche project at the University of Rochester aims to develop a high-performance operating system to support a wide variety of models for parallel prog... ML Scott,TJ Leblanc,BD Marsh - IEEE Computer Society 被引量...
沪江词库精选general-purpose operating system是什么意思、英语单词推荐 通用操作系统一种设计用来处理多种计算机系统应用的问题的操作系统。 相似短语 general purpose operating system 通用操作系统一种设计用来处理多种计算机系统应用的问题的操作系统。 general purpose system 通用系统 general purpose computing ...
1 Protection Profile Introduction This document defines the security functionality expected to be provided by a general-purpose operating system capab
ECS general-purpose instance families (g series),Elastic Compute Service:General-purpose instance families (g series) offer a CPU-to-memory ratio of 1:4 and are suitable for various scenarios such as general-purpose Internet applications, databases, webs
mimalloc (pronounced "me-malloc") is a general purpose allocator with excellentperformancecharacteristics. Initially developed by Daan Leijen for the runtime systems of theKokaandLeanlanguages. Latest release :v3.0.2(beta) (2025-03-06).
One approach followed for this purpose has been to pre-calculate and store some quantities in a database. Instead of calculating these quantities at every analysis, they are then simply retrieved from the database. Examples to such quantities are the coefficients required to construct the system ...
and provide a far more power interface.All operations should be deterministic, e.g., given a serialized order over a set of operations, each replica should obtain the same result in running each operation, provided they have the same application state, which is the purpose of this protocol. ...