A comparison of a prison population and general nonprison population.Mccaullay, Mary Louise
摘要: America's prison population tends to be sicker than the general population. While Medicaid eligibility under the ACA offers an historic opportunity, enrolling the formerly incarcerated into the health exchanges or Medicaid will be neither simple nor straightforward....
An overview of the prison population and the general health status of prisoners.doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.548This article is the first in a series of four, which explore the oral and dental health of male prisoners in the United Kingdom. The series comprises: an overview of the general and ...
Buck v. Bell took place a decade after America’s arch-eugenicist, Harry Laughlin, administrator of the racist Eugenics Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, estimated that 15% of the American population, or 15 million people, would have to be sterilized to rid the U.S. of...
742 144 population 743 144 yes 744 144 sell sells, sold, selling, seller 745 144 mention mentioned, mentions, mentioning 746 144 dry dryly, dryness 747 144 check checks, checked, checking 748 144 poet poets, poetry, poetic 749 143 sleep sleeps, slept, sleeping, sleepless, sleepiness 750...
The county has seen areductionin crime and its prison population during his tenure, according to the York Daily Record. The city of York itself experienceda 36% dropin gun crime from 2022 to 2023, the news outlet reported. “Everyone is given the opportunity to change their life,” Sunday...
As the Missouri State Governmentnotedabout their 1840 law forbidding any person to instruct “negroes or mulattoes” in reading or writing: An uneducated black population made white citizens feel more secure against both abolitionists and slave uprisings, although it probably did little to suppress ...
However from the perspective of the general population, a dog that falsely alerts half of the time raises serious con- cerns about the invasion of the privacy of innocent people. An important concern for the court is therefore the number of any such false positives. It is important not to ...
With one of the highest population densities(密度)in the world and residents known for being workaholics, it’s hard to imagine the city-state of Singapore having one of the happiest populations on earth. And yet in a recent survey, 95% of them said they were either very happy or quite ...
As well as being a challenge to decision-making processes, widespread political strikes are an indication that at least a substantial number of the population of a polity regard the democratic consensus as having broken down, and they show a desire to renegotiate those underlying relations. Clearly...