A general partner is a key player in the world of finance, particularly in the realm of partnerships and investments. A general partner can refer to an individual, a group of individuals, or even an entity that has unlimited liability and shares full responsibility for the overall management an...
Pankajkumar Bohara Partner M.No.215471 33 Part - I - Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2014 (All amount are in Indian Rupees in lakhs, except shares data & where otherwise stated ) Particulars EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (a) Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus Sub-Total ...
LP, LLP, GP, LLC, general partner, member, limited partner—it can all get pretty confusing, pretty quickly. The important thing to remember is that if you start a business with a partner, and you run the operation, your share of the income (or loss) will be deemed nonpassive. Dependi...