subsequently recorded in the general ledger (financial management system) by the Accounts Division. 年底使用 excel 表汇总得出 2 010 万美元应 收捐款,然后由账户司记录在总分类 账内 (财务管理系统)。 The Board also noted that at UNFPA, long-outstanding ...
ledger A powerful command-line double-entry accounting system legacy-printer-app Legacy printer application legofy Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks lei Local Email Interface for public-inbox lemonldap-ng-common LemonLDAP-NG configuration lemonldap-ng-manager LemonLDAP-NG ...
Ok, to be honest I'm trying to get all of these words with SEND("{ENTER}") after each one which I have already coded but it takes nearly an hour to execute and I was hoping to execute it in under 90 seconds. aahing aaliis aarrgh abacas abacus abakas abamps abased abaser abases ...
Se si seleziona la casella di controlloMostra avvisoe vi sono discrepanze tra i totali di magazzino e quelli del conto C/G, nel campoAvvisodella griglia vengono visualizzati messaggi in cui viene illustrata la discrepanza. Se si seleziona il campo Avviso, vengono fornite u...