To post to the general ledger, you must use double-entry bookkeeping. With double-entry bookkeeping, you record two entries for every transaction using debits and credits. Your general ledger provides the necessary information to create financial statements, like your business balance sheet, cash ...
When you translate average balances, the PATD balance type will be translated automatically, using the appropriate calculated average rates (See: Rates Used for Translation, below). If you have chosen to translate optional amount types (see:Set of Books Average Balance Options), General Ledger will...
aIf adjustment credit notes are processed to a separate general ledger account and not incorporated in the sales distribution journal to obtain a net figure, then there will be an account called "sales returns and allowances" with a debit balance. 如果调整信用短信在销售发行学报被处理到一个分开...
Get-MgBetaFinancialCompanyGeneralLedgerEntryCount -InputObject <IFinancialsIdentity> [-Filter <String>] [-Search <String>] [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [<CommonParameters>] Description Get the number of the re...
Notes on Consolidating Average Balances There are some special considerations, discussed below, that you should be aware of when consolidating sets of books that have average balance processing enabled in General Ledger.Linked Versus Non-linked Average Balances...
ledger A powerful command-line double-entry accounting system legacy-printer-app Legacy printer application legofy Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks lei Local Email Interface for public-inbox lemonldap-ng-common LemonLDAP-NG configuration lemonldap-ng-manager LemonLDAP-NG ...
It is a public ledger that everyone can inspect, but which no single user controls. The structure and design of blockchain is such that all the data in it are about cryptocurrency only. Applications that depend on basic features of blockchain can be dev...