When you select an account and then press TAB, the lookup window closes and the account is displayed in the main window. Continue entering transaction information.User-defined fields for accountsGeneral Ledger includes four user-defined fields for tracking additional information about each account....
When you select an account and then press TAB, the lookup window closes and the account is displayed in the main window. Continue entering transaction information.User-defined fields for accountsGeneral Ledger includes four user-defined fields for tracking additional information about each account....
When you select an account and then press TAB, the lookup window closes and the account is displayed in the main window. Continue entering transaction information.User-defined fields for accountsGeneral Ledger includes four user-defined fields for tracking additional information about each account....
Change the fiscal period setup in General Ledger Changing the posting type on an account Clear beginning balances for unit accounts in General Ledger Company doesn't have access to currency when using Multicurrency with any module Could not run file trigger script when you delete or post a trans...
For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired. Structure 1 General Ledger Navigator Paths 2 General Ledger Applications Profile Options 3 Image Reference Related ...
general ledger general ledger general ledger General Ledger Account General Ledger Account Code General Ledger Accounting System General Ledger and Account Receivable/Account Payable Integration General Ledger Command Center General Ledger Currency Processing General Ledger Desktop Integrator General Ledger Detail...
Define general knowledge. general knowledge synonyms, general knowledge pronunciation, general knowledge translation, English dictionary definition of general knowledge. Noun 1. general knowledge - knowledge that is available to anyone public knowledge c
lookup to map human name for User or OrgUnit to database id.$oTrialBal=newTrialBalance($oLedgerContainer,$oProcessingDate,$bUseAggSource);$oUserTrialBal=newTrialBalanceOrgUnit($oLedgerContainer,$oProcessingDate,$iUser,$bUseAggSource);$oOrgUnitTrialBal=newTrialBalanceUser($oLedgerContainer,$o...
Import Subledger Control Balance Accounting Hub Administration Configures the accounting hub for a source system. Manage All Application Profile Values Accounting Hub Administration Configures the accounting hub for a source system. Manage Application Common Lookup Accounting Hub Administration Configur...
ledger ledges leered leeway lefter legacy legals legate legato legend legers legged leggin legion legist legits legman legmen legong legume lehuas lekvar lemans lemmas lemons lemony lemurs lender length lenity lensed lenses lenten lentic lentil lentos leones lepers lepton lesion lessee lessen lesser ...