receipts of general accounts 一般帐户收入 general final accounts 总决算 general accounts section 普通帐务科 general ledger controlling account 【经】 总分类帐控制科目 相似单词 accountant general n. 会计主任 ledger n. 收支总账;分类账簿;分户账簿 general adj. 1.普遍的,全面的;[attrib 作定语...
GJ (General Ledger) or AP (Accounts Payable). It is possible that when entering a GL batch, the Journal Type could be changed to AR in which case using the Jrnl Type alone to find discrepancies may not be enough. If that occurs
总分类帐帐户(general ledger accounts), 此释义来源于网络辞典。general ledger accounts :普通分类帐帐户 普通分类帐帐户(g…|基于4个网页 3. 普通分类帐帐户 普通分类帐帐户(general ledger accounts), 此释义来源于网络辞典。1.Ledger accounts are used to record business transaction… ...
LedgerAllocationEntity LedgerAllocationRuleDestinationEntity LedgerAllocationRuleEntity LedgerAllocationRuleSourceEntity LedgerAutomaticTransactionAccountEntity LedgerBalanceControlEntity LedgerBalanceSheetDefinitionEntity LedgerChartOfAccountsEntity LedgerConsolidateAccountGroupEntity LedgerConsolidateAccou...
Work with general ledger processesCompleted 100 點經驗值 12 minutes Use the general ledger to define and manage your organization’s financial records. The general ledger is a register of debit and credit entries. These entries are classified using the accounts that are listed in a ch...
LedgerAllocationEntity LedgerAllocationRuleDestinationEntity LedgerAllocationRuleEntity LedgerAllocationRuleSourceEntity LedgerAutomaticTransactionAccountEntity LedgerBalanceControlEntity LedgerBalanceSheetDefinitionEntity LedgerChartOfAccountsEntity LedgerConsolidateAccountGroupEntity LedgerConsolidateAc...
LedgerAllocationBasisRuleEntity LedgerAllocationBasisRuleSourceEntity LedgerAllocationEntity LedgerAllocationRuleDestinationEntity LedgerAllocationRuleEntity LedgerAllocationRuleSourceEntity LedgerAutomaticTransactionAccountEntity LedgerBalanceControlEntity LedgerBalanceSheetDefinitionEntity Ledger...
In accounting, a General Ledger (GL) is a record of all past transactions of a company, organized by accounts. General Ledger (GL) accounts
An Oracle Financials feature you use to perform summary level funds checking. An account hierarchy lets Oracle Purchasing and General Ledger quickly determine the summary accounts into which your detail accounts roll up.Account segment One of up to 30 different sections of your Accounting Flexfield,...
Lists accounts in ascending order by account segment value. Prints a CR next to credit amounts. Account Analysis for Contra Account Report Prints balances by account segment and a secondary segment. Lists the contra account for each journal entry and the subledger document number for transactions...