Prepare for success with our IELTS test preparation materials. Find practice tests, masterclasses, podcasts, videos, articles and more.Clear all Material types Topic Test type (1) Test skill Band score Test format Showing 571 preparation materials IELTS Practice tests Paper General Training - Reading...
You can learn more about the speaking test and see a sample test here: IELTS Speaking Reading Time:60 minutes Questions:40 In the IELTS general reading test you are given three reading passages with a variety of different question types. The sections are as follows: Section 1:two or three ...
The IELTS Reading test is designed to evaluate your ability to read, comprehend and interpret information in the English language. Therefore, to help you prepare for the IELTS General reading test. Given below are some tips to enhance your preparation: 1. Practice Reading every day One of the...
Take IELTS General Training if you want to work, study, migrate or seek vocational training in an English-speaking country. Find out if it is for you.
“GT IELTS – The English test that opens doors around the world. Your journey starts from here.” This website has been created to help you with your IELTS preparation. If it can be a part of your IELTS success, our hard work would be paid off. We are delighted to be a part of ...
The IELTS General Training Reading will give you 60 minutes to complete 3 sections where the question subject will be everyday/ general topics. With the IELTS General Reading Practice Tests, level up your preparedness and get acquainted with the strategies needed to appear for the IELTS exam. Se...
"This system worked for me and helped me to achieve my target score of 7.5 because every tip and advice actually works! The IELTS test went exactly as Jessica explained during the program. Nothing surprised me because every part was previously explained in the course material." ...
A lot of preparation goes into the ultra long haul flight. The aircraft is specifically designed for the journey with more space and extensive entertainment services. The flight crew are also specially trained. The seasoned traveller is also more aware of the health risks associated with a flight...
General Training Writing – There are two tasks to complete, each of which should be between 150-250 words. Candidates have one hour to finish. Speaking – This section will last 11-14 minutes. The IELTS exam is available in pencil and paper or computer-based form, depending on the locatio...
However, there are two versions of the test: IELTS general reading and IELTS academic reading. You'll learn which version is right for you and how to tackle each reading question type using our IELTS reading material. Get a free IELTS reading score analyses and personalized study plan after ...