universal designcolor deficiencyweb accessibilitywebsites colorcolor schemesIn the modern society, the access and use of the internet for the individual is a crucial factor. However, the color vision deficiencies experience many difficulties in accessing the web because of their visual defects or when...
bluez-hid2hci Put HID proxying bluetooth HCI's into HCI mode bluez-libs-devel Development libraries for Bluetooth applications bluez-tools A set of tools to manage Bluetooth devices for Linux bmake The NetBSD make(1) tool bmap-tools Tools to generate and flash sparse images using the "block ...
design general principles for HCI and CyberspacePrevious slideNext slideBack to first slideView graphic version
As a response to the Anthropocene challenges, HCI and Design researchers have been debating the need for a shift from user-centered design to more inclusive, multispecies perspectives that also focus on systemic change. This is, therefore, an opportune moment to question how Design researchers have...