Attorney-General for Northern Ireland, [1963] A.C. 386, at p. 409: "Loss of memory afterwards is never a defence in itself, so long as he was conscious at the time". Roughly six weeks after the stabbing, the appel- lant returned to Canada and surrendered to police. At trial, Dr....
Facts about his voyages period from 1405 to 1433 times 7 the areas he visited South-East Asia, the Middle East and the east coast of Africa the significance of the voyages They allowed China to trade valuable goods like gold, silver and silk. They encouraged the exchange of culture...
BritishandAmericanCulture AGeneralIntroductionoftheUnitedKingdom DifferentNamesoftheCountry BritishIsles(includingIreland) GreatBritain(excludingNorthernIreland) England(apartofBritain) U.K.(officialforshort) UnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandTheNorthernIreland (大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国) ...
The Supreme Court of Canada's recent judgment in Canada (Attorney-General) v. Ward considers various aspects of the international Convention refugee definition. The claimant fled Northern Ireland to escape retaliation by the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) for his effective defection from that ...
are governed by English law. You and we both agree that the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction except that if you are a resident of Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedin...
shall set forth such facts as would be admissible in evidence, and shall show affirmatively that the affiant is competent to testify to the matters stated therein." Second, the court must pierce the opposition papers to determine whether they set forth facts rather than unsubstantiated assertions;...
(These books concern the law in England. Not only is the law in Scotland very different but Welsh SEND law also now has significant differences to England, as I believe does Northern Irish law. I do not know of any similar books in relation to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland but if...
Clinical Academic Training (ICAT) Programme which is supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Health Research Board (Grant Number 203930/B/16/Z), the Health Service Executive National Doctors Training and Planning and the Health and Social Care, Research and Development Division, Northern Ireland. ...
Types of Power of Attorney How to set up a Power of Attorney Facts and Myths about Powers of Attorney What is Power of Attorney? It’s a legal document that gives the power for someone (your 'attorney') to make decisions about your finance or welfare on your behalf, if you are una...
Thanks to Rogers I learned about the 2018 Lottery Incident in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, where players could win by scratching away, on a card, a temperature lower than the displayed figure. Some temperatures were below freezing. The game had to be pulled after...