aSeparately estimating equations (9) and (10) is in general inefficient because that the system of J + 1 equations imposes several cross-equation restrictions due to their joint dependence on θ, ψ1 and δ. 分开估计式 (9) 和 (10) 在一般无结果,因为那系统J + 1式强加几个十字架等式制约...
A simple general equation is presented for estimating the Fe**3** plus concentrations in ferromagnesian oxide and silicate minerals from microprobe analyses. The equation has been derived using stoichiometric criteria assuming that iron is the only element present with variable valency and that oxygen...
General estimating equation (GEE) for the prediction of the composite outcome (preeclampsia/GDM).Yael BaumfeldLena NovackArnon WiznitzerEyal SheinerYakov HenkinMichael SherfVictor Novack
The generalized estimating equation was used to control for the repeated data (eg, multiple lesions per patient) during analysis with PROC GENMOD in SAS Version 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Carolina) with an exchangeable correlation matrix. The models included incomplete margins (yes/no) ...
For example, the variance of the forecast error in lnYt can be attributable to innovations in lnEt, lnUt as well as to its own innovations. In that sense, VDC can be viewed as out of sample causality tests. Table 7. Results of Variance Decomposition Analysis among lnU, lnE, and lnY. ...
Thecomputable general equilibrium(CGE) method is an important approach tomacroeconomicmodeling. It consists of a system of equations which specify the behavior of economic ‘agents’ in an economy and calibrates them on the basis of real economic data for a given country or region. For example,...
For example, estimating the probability of winning $100 on a $200 buy-in without going broke first. This is very helpful, but without doing the math (shame on me, I know), I get the feeling win limits should be based more on your betting unit, i.e. $1, $5, $10, etc. ...
For example, the prevalence of CMBs has been estimated to increase from 7% in people 45–50 years to 36% in people ≥ 80 years [5]. The prevalence of lacunar infarcts has been estimated to increase from 22% at age 75 years to 32% at age 80 years [6]. Chronic kidney disease ...
However, the combining estimating equation and the penalty function method by Johnson et al. [10] could not be used directly to semi-parametric estimating equations. For example, we consider the partially linear model ɛY=X⊤θ+f(T)+ɛ, the semi-parametric estimating functions can be ...
The simple example in Figure 1 of the previous subsection may be fitted into this modeling frame- work by letting y in Equation 3 contain all nine ob- served variables and i\ contain the two curve factors as well as one factor corresponding to each observed variable, where the latter ...