Ingeneral, le japoneses es travaliatores multo diligente. Generally, the Japanese are very diligent workers. Tatoeba-2020.08 Ingeneral, on sape pauco a proposito del equationes differential non linear del secunde ordine. Ingeneral, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations...
In this way, general allometric relations with common slopes but different intercepts can be generated for previously unstudied taxa, thereby providing internally consistent relations to calculate all components of the balanced growth equation. Where comparisons are possible, these relations are similar to...
1) general dynamic equation 通用动力学方程 1. general dynamic equation 提出一个新的多重Monte Carlo (MMC) 算法来求解同时考虑凝并和冷凝/蒸发的通用动力学方程(GDE),该算法基于时间驱动, 模拟过程中保持模拟颗粒数目不变和计算区域体积不变。 2) general dynamics equation ...
Equation 3 Equation 2 Chapter 5– Water Quality and General Pond Management 75 because acidic carbon dioxide is used during the day for photosynthesis and carbon dioxide is produced at night from respiration. The other factors that affect the levels of dissolved oxygen in catfish ...
Prediction of Non-exercise Equation for Estimating Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Investigation of the Effective Components on Society: An analytic (case-co... IPAQ-l can be used as nonexercise models for estimating VO2max in Iranian society, and socio-environmental factors are influential variables on...
sensitivity of respiration. We calculated Q 10 values separately for each of the three measurement tem- perature intervals (12±18, 18±24, and 24±30 °C) based on the equation: Fig. 1 Short-term temperature response of foliar dark respira- ...
The pH Scale | Definition, Equation & Examples from Chapter 10 / Lesson 7 139K How to calculate pH of a solution? Learn about pH equation and how this equation can be used when finding pH of a given solution. Also, see examples...
1. This nation’s Continuation War involved an alliance with Germany partially to respond to a neighbor’s use of the Aland Islands and ended during Gustaf Mannerheim’s presidency. It helped the Nazis because it allowed for submarine training in the Baltic and cut off the Murmansk railroad. ...
This chapter began with a review of reduction-oxidation principles from general chemistry: formal oxidation states, balancing reduction-oxidation reactions, and the Nernst equation. These are the basic tools needed to calculate standard biological (or environmental) electrochemical potentials E⊕ and to ...
The qPCR efficiency (E) was calculated according to the equation E = 10[−1/slope]. Statistical analysis Taxonomic based differences were assessed by analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) of the square root-transformed Bray-Curtis similarity data and visualized with nonmetric multidimensional scaling (...