General Election HustingsRead the full-text online article and more details about "General Election Hustings" - The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland), May 18, 2001
General Election 2005: Has He Got the Guts to Tackle Crime? Nigel Nelson Meets Charles Clarke; IN THE Run-Up to Polling Day, the People Is Grilling Britain's Top Politicians on Questions That Matter to YOU. Today Political Editor NIGEL NELSON Puts Labour's Home Secretary CHARLES CLARKE on ...
The upcoming NewZealand General Election will be held on Saturday 23 September 2017. Detailed guide to the 2017 General Election can be found on, which is provided in multiple languages, including Chinese. Voters who are overseas during the General Election can vote from Wed...
NZ Maori Party may hold general election keyRAY LILLEY
THE BAUBLES OF OFFICE: THE NZ GENERAL ELECTION OF 2005.The article reviews the book "The Baubles of Office: The NZ General Election of 2005," edited by Stephen Levine and Nigel S. Roberts.GrantIanF.EBSCO_bspNew Zealand Management
These results provided the basis for further analysis of how these techniques reflected the wider campaign strategies of individual parties in the 2008 election. This not only offers an interesting commentary on the use of print advertising in the election, but enables a deeper understanding into ...
NEHA General Election 2011-OverviewFor the first time in NEHA history, no Teller Committee was convened to count the received...
General Election Captures Classic