A special edition RCP newsletter that keeps you in the know on all the latest polls this election season. EMAIL* 12/12/2023 Welcome to RealClearPolling Your trusted source for the latest U.S. election polls and surveys, and the insights you need to understand the meaning behind the data...
Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. Poll of the week A lot of people are talking about hypothetical 2020 general election polls, including the …
Report of the Inquiry into the 2015 British general election opinion polls The night of the General Election 2015 was a surprising one in more ways than one! A series of opinion polls had led us all to believe that we were in for another Coalition Government, but, as we now know that ...
Politico. “Why don’t you just poke me in the eye with a needle? You’ve got to be kidding me. … I’m sorry, we just gave you $11.6 billion, and now you’re telling me, ‘I don’t really care?’ ” Fuller said. General Fuller also referred to Karzai’s being“erratic,”...
But when asked again on Fox News this month, the retired Army brigadier general walked back his belief. “I’ve come to the conclusion and I want to be definitive on this,” he said. “The election was not stolen. Elections have consequences and, unfortunately, President Biden is the legi...
Laura Rozen's POLITICO.com blog reports on the world of foreign policy from Foggy Bottom to the White House, the Hill to Embassy Row.
Salvini's remarks come just weeks before Italians head to the polls on September 25 in a national election in which a right-wing coalition that includes the League is expected to win. His comments could thereforeraise concerns about the future government's resolve against Russi...