calculator, calculus, caldera, calendar, calf, caliber, calibration, caliper, caliper measurement, call, call by phone, calla lily, called safe, caller, calligrapher, calligraphy, calm down, caloric, calve, calyx, camcorder, camel, camellia, cameraman, camisole, camouflage, camp, campaign, camper...
February 4, 2013 - The USPTO announced the launch of its Patent Term Calculator tool, which can be downloadedhere. This calculator "enables members of the public to estimate the expiration date of a utility, plant, or design patent." The USPTO cautions that a patent's expiration date depends...
Jurassic, Koran, Kremlin, Kruger, Labrador retriever, Lake District, Lake Huron, Lama, Latin, Leeds, Lego, Lenin, Lepidoptera, Luna, Madonna, Mafia, Mandelbrot, Mara, Mars, Mary, Masai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Medicare, Mercury, Mercury (god), Merlin, Merlot, Messiah, Modern, ...