Below is a short description of each skill I will cover a recommended order later in the walkthrough. Alchemy: Unlocks CauldronsArchitecture: Structures have double health, Structures cost 25% fewer materials to build, Vaults have more inventory slotsArtistry: Crafted items sell for 25% more coin...
If you've got a question, suggestion or just a general statement you'd like us to check out for the next ARK Digest - that'll be the place to do so! Each Digest, we'll select some from here and discuss or answer what has been asked/said. Keep in mind we won't be doing anythi...
They didn't even thank me for dealing with all their terrorbeaks and nightmarebeaks who aggroed on me once I was leaving and which I had to kill. OP's description of forcing OP's preferable way of fighting Dragonfly looks very familiar. It would be another matter if blue gems were ...
Wickerbottoms ability to name the species of the Don't Starve world can supposedly give insight of what might exist in the real world, however, there is a contradiction to this. Despite being able to name the deerclops, her choice of words for quotes for the spider family shows signs of ...
- Reduced the amount of durability damage taken from projectiles when a Glider suit is equipped by approximately 60% - Reduced the resource cost of Fabricated Sniper recipe scale by 25% - Change weight of Cloth, Hide, Chitin, Flak, Fur, Desert, Hazard, and Ghillie ...