欧盟议会于2016年4月14日通过的《通用数据保护条例(General Data Protection Regulations)》(“GDPR”)将于2018年5月25日在欧盟成员国内正式生效实施。该条例的适用范围极为广泛,任何收集、传输、保留或处理涉及到欧盟所有成员国内的个人信息的机构组织均受该条例的约束。比如,即使一个主体不属于欧盟成员国的公司(包括...
Acxiom’s Global Data Ethics team is committed toethical data practicesthat go beyond what is required by law and also address what is just and fair to consumers. Prior to GDPR we had already implemented industry-leading programs for ethical data sourcing, data protection impact assessments, priva...
European Union General Data Protection Regulation Effective May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a significant change to European Union (EU) privacy law. The regulation prioritizes an individual’s right to control their personal information. It imposes new rules on ...
欧盟数据保护通用条例(General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)于2018年5月25日生效,微信公众平台为遵守GDPR的相关要求,当欧盟地区微信用户撤销授权该公众号获取其个人信息(主要包括该微信用户取消关注公众号或其自行注销微信个人帐号)时,会以邮件形式告知公众号的注册邮箱删除欧盟用户的信息。 提醒时间:每周一00:00(...
The General Data Protection Regulation (EUGDPR) is a European legal framework that came into effect on May 25, 2018. The UK subsequently adopted it following Brexit – this is where you may hear the term “the UKGDPR.” The GDPR focuses on protecting, collecting and managing personal data ...
A GDPR compliance solution that works for your business Media Image Text TheGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which provides guidance on how EU organization should store customer data and, more significantly, respond in the event of a data breach, went into effect on May 25, 2018. ...
‘Processor’refers to a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller. However, unlike other data privacy regulations, Article 25 of the GDPR raises the bar for corporate compliance as it calls for “data protection by...
GDPRLast revised on August 2, 2018; effective as of May 24, 2018 What is the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is a European privacy law that will go into effect on May 25th 2018. It is based upon the European understanding that privacy is a fundamental human right....
GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation):欧盟数据保护通用条例 GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation):欧盟数据保护通用条例 欧盟数据保护通用条例(General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)于2018年5月25日生效 http://www.esrf.eu/GDPR GDPR法律条款解读及应对指南(全面版)...
There's also skepticism over how feasibly data protection agencies across the EU and beyond can align their enforcement and interpretation of the regulations, and so assure a level playing field as the GDPR goes into fuller effect. How Do Companies Become Compliant Under the General Data Protectio...