《通用数据保护条例》(英语:General Data Protection Regulation,缩写作GDPR;欧盟法规编号:(EU) 2016/679[2]),又名《通用数据保护规则》,是在欧盟法律中对所有欧盟个人关于数据保护和隐私的规范,涉及了欧洲境外的个人数据出口。GDPR主要目标为取回个人对于个人数据的控制,以及为了国际商务而简化在欧盟内的统一规范。[3...
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a unified data protection law that came into effect on May 25, 2018, in the EU, replacing the European Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The law strengthens the protection of personal data belonging to EU individuals and gives them more contr...
General Data Protection RegulationProtecting Consumer Privacy Retailers Welcome Executive Order on Transatlantic Data Flows Retailers Welcome Executive Order on Transatlantic Data Flows. Learn more Data Security NRF Welcomes EU-U.S. Agreement on Transatlantic Data Flows NRF welcomed a long-sought ...
The General Data Protection Regulation (EUGDPR) is a European legal framework that came into effect on May 25, 2018. The UK subsequently adopted it following Brexit – this is where you may hear the term “the UKGDPR.” The GDPR focuses on protecting, collecting and managing personal data ...
《通用数据保护条例》(General Data Protection Regulation,简称GDPR)为欧洲联盟的条例,前身是欧盟在1995年制定的《计算机数据保护法》。 2018年5月25日,欧洲联盟出台《通用数据保护条例》。 2019年7月8日,英国信息监管局发表声明说,英国航空公司因为违反《一般数据保护条例》被罚1.8339亿英镑(约合15.8亿元人民币)。
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union-wide regulation that controls how companies and other organizations handle personal data. It has been widely influential on other data privacy regulations around the world, and requires compliance from any organization accessing the person...
All tools, solutions, services, strategies and challenges around the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is in force from May 2018.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Official Legal Text (gdpr-info.eu) 《一般資料保護規則》(英語:General Data Protection Regulation,縮寫作GDPR;歐盟法規編號:(EU) 2016/679[2]),又名《通用資料保護規則》,是在歐盟法律中對所有歐盟個人關於資料保護和隱私的規範,涉及了歐洲境外的個人資料出口。GDPR...
The UK-GDPR is the UK’s data protection regulation that governs the processing of personal data belonging to individuals located in the UK, including both citizens and residents. They are known as “data subjects” under the UK-GDPR, identified or identifiable natural persons. The UK-GDPR prot...
GDPR brought about the biggest overhaul of EU data protection law in more than 20 years and represented an attempt by EU policy makers to ensure the law on the collection, use, sharing and protection of personal data was fit for the digital age.