Abaqus基础教程第15讲|interaction模块下面,绑定、耦合、刚体、显示体的设置 6860 1 13:38 App 粘弹性边界 1.1万 5 17:19 App 【Abaqus】第十七讲:Hard Contact硬接触、Soft Contact软接触与Overclosure穿透 719 -- 20:01 App 2246_abaqus_软件基础学习_接触设置(绑定、摩擦) 1553 1 22:29 App ABAQUS入门...
Contact is essentially the definition of parts interacting with one another and/or itself. Abaqus/Standard & Abaqus/Explicit both use General contact and/or Contact pairs for defining contact.
对于大多数的接触问题,在ABAQUS中有通用接触(General Contact)和接触对(Contact Pair)两种算法处理,它们的异同主要体现在用户交互、默认设置、可选设置三个方面。 总的来说,通用接触算法的相互作用主体、接触属性、接触面属性是可以各自独立地指定,它提供了一个更有弹性的方法去增加模型中接触的细节。通用接触算法允许...
all with self是所有零件外表面的相互接触,包好了不同零件外部表面接触和同一零件自身外部表面的自...
ABAQUS 中如何添加随温度变化的对流换热系数钢锭 放置在空气中冷却,模拟钢锭的冷却,温度与时间的关系creat interaction里面没有 surface film condition只有下面的:general contact(explicit)surface-to-surface contact(standard)surface-to-surface contact(explicit)self-contact(standard)self-contact(explicit)cyclic symmetry...
ABAQUS 中如何添加随温度变化的对流换热系数钢锭 放置在空气中冷却,模拟钢锭的冷却,温度与时间的关系creat interaction里面没有 surface film condition只有下面的:general contact(explicit)surface-to-surface contact(standard)surface-to-surface contact(explicit)self-contact(standard)self-contact(explicit)cyclic symmetry...
The corresponding magnitude of SIFs were directly specified for the entire crack front of specimen using the J-integral method made in the ABAQUS commercial code. To do that a static analysis was done for each model and the results were extracted from the stress field of the crack tip. A ...
), and the Graduate School of Engineering Mechanics, funded by theFinnish Academy of Sciences. Sincere thanks to Prof. J. N. Reddy for his valuable comments and improvement of the text. Sincere thanks also Mr. Reijo Lindgren for his advice on modelling the connector-type element with Abaqus....