General Conformity Certificate GCC is specified in CPSIA that manufacturers and importers of General purpose (i.e., non-children's products) must give written General Conformity Certificate after reasonable testing. Official requirements for GCC certificates include information on importers, manufacturers, ...
EC-declaration-of-conformity-template-general-v1( EC Declaration of Conformity We,Supplier company name&company addressdeclare under our sole responsibility that the product: Product name:XXXXXXX Model no(of supplier).:XXXXXXX Is corresponding/same to the products/articles toClient full company name&...
打印 转格式 5阅读文档大小:25.0K2页dvmidw28上传于2021-03-13格式:DOC Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: ec declaration of conformity template_general v1 热度: EC Declaration of Conformity print ...
2. GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY (GCC) and KROGER GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY(KGCC) A General Certificate of Conformity (GCC) is a federal requirement forall children’s products and specified non-children’s productsthat are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). A ...
(c) to the extent any nonconformity is attributable to (i) any use of any Products or Services by you in violation of applicable law or the Order Agreement or (ii) any use of the Customer Data or Customer Authored Items in connection with the Products and Services, where our non...
AnnexB(informative)Examplecertificatetemplate………”………··…·……·……..16 Bibliography.…··………”………”………”………”……·…”………”………”………·”………”………”………18 2 BSEN15267-1:2023 EN15267-1:2023(E) Europeanforeword Thisdocument(EN15267-1:2023)has...
The relevant certificate of conformity, duly signed, must be enclosed in the delivery note. GENERAL PURCHASING CONDITIONS OF AIRBUS HELICOPTERS – Version: 5 - page 4 of 10 This document is the property of AIRBUS HELICOPTERS; no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted without the...
Die Gewährleistungen unter den Ziffern 7.2 und 7.4 gelten nicht, wenn: (a) der Cloud-Service nicht in Übereinstimmung mit der Vereinbarung oder der Dokumentation genutzt wird; (b) any non-conformity is caused by Customer, or by any product or service not provided by Qualtrics, ...
which they have their residence, particularly in relation to the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal, to the deadline for the return of the Products where this right is exercised, to the procedures and formalities for communicating the same, and to the legal guarantee of conformity....
“UserTesting Confidential Information” shall mean: (a) UserTesting Property; (b) all other non-public information regarding UserTesting’s legal, financial, business affairs, technical features, functionality, product roadmap or security measures; ...