Deputy SecretaryGeneralofNPCSC, had confirmedatapressconference held in Hong Kong on 6 April [...] 政府當局表示 ,全國人大常委會副秘 書長喬曉陽先 生在2004年 4 月 6日於香港舉行的記 者會上 , 曾證實《基本法》附件二賦 ...
To cross-validate general attitudes with attitudes towards specific instances of AI applications, summaries of tasks accomplished by specific applications of Artificial Intelligence were sourced from newspaper articles. These were rated for comfortableness and perceived capability. Comfortableness with specific...
Qatar: Issuance of presumptive tax assessments by the General Tax Authority (GTA) News Letter 15 minute read April 18, 2024 Share The General Tax Authority has started issuing a large number of presumptive tax assessments to taxpayers resulting in significant tax exposures. Issuance of ...
Phosphorylation is the most important type of protein post-translational modification. Accordingly, reliable identification of kinase-mediated phosphorylation has important implications for functional annotation of phosphorylated substrates and character
Each April, the City hosts the annual Dogwood Festival and the Dogwood Dash. The festival includes a golf tournament, beauty pageants, a chili cook-off, a car show, and other activities. The Dogwood Dash, which includes a youth run, a health walk, and 5K and 10K races, attracts hundreds...
Partial data were presented as part of a poster presentation (Early Adult to Mid-Life Smoking and Cognitive Function: Findings from the CARDIA Study) at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Los Angeles, CA, July 13–18, 2019. Supplementary Information ESM 1 (DOCX 60 kb) Rights...