Schedule C – Additional Provisions of the General Conditions of Contract... 35 Department of Infrastructure and Planning Page 2 of 35 General Conditions of Contract 1. Interpretation 1.1 In the Contract, except where the context otherwise requires - ‘Act’ means the Professional Standards...
General Terms and Conditions of Contract 合同通用条款和条件 for the purchase of systems, equipment and components 用于系统、设备及部件的采购 Version: 04/2016 版本: 04/2016 报价:承包商在其报价中应当严格遵守我方招标文件/询价文件中所 1. Area of Application 规定的有关待交付货物的数量和状况方面的详...
香港特别行政区政府土建工程一般合同条件 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS - Hong Kong.pdf,( P P r r i i n n t t e e d d o b n y p t a h p e e r P m r i a n d t e i f n r g o m D e w p o a o r d t $ p m 2 u e 0 l ...
1.4Customer’sgeneraltermsandconditionsofcontractshall notbevalidunlessexpresslyacceptedinwritingby GEOBRUGGCHENGDU. 客户的合同通用条款和条件对成都布鲁克不发生效力, 成都布鲁克书面明确表示接受的除外。 1.5Allagreementsandlegallyrelevantdeclarationsbythe Partiesshallbeinwrittenform. ...
1 Scope of application (1) These General Terms and Conditions of Contract (GTC) apply in their respective valid version to all individually provided services of etracker GmbH, Erste Brunnenstraße 1, 20459 Hamburg (hereinafter referred to as “etracker” or “provider” or “we”), regardle...
Notwithstanding the interest which is being displayed by those concerned in letting and in undertaking contracts it is not expedient at this stage to discuss in detail the work of the sub-committee of which the- writer has the honour to be the chairman. To do so would be unfair to the ...
General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction of the Construction Contract as provided as a part of Exhibit G hereto.
and Drawing Submittals Field Reporting Materials and Substitutions Workmanship Superintendents Equipment and Tools Layout of Work and Site Conditions Temporary Facilities Housekeeping Receiving Purchaser-Supplied Materials Protection of Materials and Work Testing Acceptance of Work Clearing the Site Purchaser's ...
1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS These General Conditions of Purchase (hereafter “GCP”) shall apply to the following Companies of Berlinger: Berlinger & Co. AG(CH-101.178.581) These GCP shall regulate all legal relationships of the parties with respect to the purchase of pro...