and upon Contractor's receipt of a Notice to Proceed with construction Work from District for commencement of the construction Work, Contractor shall prepare the schedule(s) identified in Section 13 of the General Conditions, Part II of the Project Manual (Exhibit B to the Facilities Lease) Sect...
Other Definitional Provisions and Rules of ConstructionA. Any of the terms defined herein may, unless the context otherwise requires, be used in the singular or the plural, depending on the reference. Geographic Area and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and ExceptionsThe following allowances ...
Canon blasts and blazing barrels of tar up and down city streets – that’s the ticket to altering the atmospheric conditions that create infectious disease.[6] The miasmic theory of disease retained a medical following throughout the 1870s, after which it disappeared in the wake of ...
Alternative titlesare any commonly used alternative title (or titles) for the occupation. These alternative titles have the same meaning as the principal title but may be less commonly used. Specialisations There are no Specialisation Titles for this occupation. ...
the English language merely seems like the instrument which serves for communication in the age of globalization. His paper focus on some weaknesses of English in grammar and pronunciation, which led to this language can not undertake the mission to achieve global communication and increase the diffi...
Customers in the sense of these General Terms and Conditions shall be the company as the direct contracting partner. Users are all persons of the Contractual Partner who have obtained access to the THP databases or Services at its instigation and who are not consumers within the meaning of Secti...
induction is extensively studied in [33]. A first question is that for a given irreducible representationof, how one can find another irreducible representationofsuch thatis also irreducible. One way to do so is via ’building from the (basic) segment case’. The precise meaning is as ...
Table 1 Summary of the experimental conditions and relevant parameters for each of the three sets of measurements Full size table The first part of the experiment consisted in calibrating the thermometers measuring their fluorescence signal as a function of temperature. Thus, with the aid of the he...
L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work (pp. 42–70). Wiley. Google Scholar Savickas, M. L., Nota, L., Rossier, J., Dauwalder, J. P., Duarte, ...
In the case of an accidental strike, other information, such as the speed and course of the vessel, vessel specification, such as size and propulsion, water depth, environmental conditions, such as visibility, wind speed and direction, description of the impact, fate of the animal, and ...